Összes oldalmegjelenítés

2011. július 24., vasárnap


After almost a year of planning (several months of these I was unaware of my managers intention - thank you guys) the preparations of my trip to Shanghai are completed!

I'm going to spend 188 days there, and you can even check my schedule on this Google Calendar. Currently it only shows the length of my trip, but I'll update it with the information of when my visitors will be there and when will I travel to other cities. So if you plan to visit me, consult the calendar first. :)

And now about the preparations. I never imagined that it'll be this complicated! First of all acquiring the visa. I have spent two weeks at different doctors to get certificates that I'm mentally healthy, I don't have cholera, plegue, yellow fever, etc., that my nose and ears function normally, that my chest is fine, my heartbeat is normal, and to figure out my blood type. As it turns out it A Rh(+).

Funny story that after a Toastmasters presentation my world changed. Yes, again! Steven did a presentation about the benefits of donating blood, and despite the fact that it wasn't the purpose of the speech, it was extremely motivating. I decided right away, that I'm going to donate blood at the next available opportunity. To understand the magnitude of this decision, I think it's important to note that I've never ever in my life given any blood. But Fate - as cruel as it sometimes can be - played a game with me, and for weeks the splendid opportunity to get rid of 10% of my dear blood didn't present itself. Then, as part of my misery to obtain the visa, I realized that I can get an official report on my blood type by giving blood. So I did it - I was a little bit anxious, knowing that a huge needle is going to penetrate me... khm... - but at the end it didn't hurt at all. The nurse was really gentle. Anyway... I get all the info for the visa, and I'm going to get it next Thursday.

Other then the visa I had to sort out some of the cafeteria things as well, some financial stuff, reinstall my laptop to be ready for the new adventures, say goodbye to all of my friends, and prepare a list what to take with me to Shanghai. The list and the goodbyes are still ongoing. :) Luckily organizing the flights and sorting out the accomodation wasn't my task.

And a funny coincidence is that starting a few months ago my life just decided to become extremely busy. Never in my life did I so many things and had this exciting adventures. Starting with the II. CEE meeting in Bratislava, through the Nuremberg and Lisbon TM conferences, my via ferrata trips to Austria and Italy, my canoe trip on Raba, to my newly found addiction to indoor rock climbing, gokarting and playing pool. I practically didn't have a tranquil week for months. But telling the truth I LOVE IT!!! I hope it will be the same in Shanghai! :)

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